Join us in celebrating Child Health Day on October 1st!


Let’s celebrate!

Celebrated for the first time in 1929, Child Health Day has been around for quiet some time. Each first Monday in October organizations and agencies invested in children’s health are encouraged to raise awareness about the importance of children’s welfare in our country. Whether you are a parent or not, you are sure to have a child in your that you can positively impact today!

How do you celebrate Child Health Day?
  • Volunteer at your local children’s center
  • Encourage a child in your life to create healthier habits
  • Clean up you local park
  • Take time out of your day to have a real conversation with a child in your life
  • Adopt a child or sponsor an adoption
  • Donate to your local DHR
  • Get involved at your local library
  • Start LISTENing to a child you know
  • Volunteer at a local daycare of school
  • Join the conversation on Facebook & Twitter and use the hashtag #ChildHealthDay
  • BELIEVE you can make a difference
  • Have a play day with a child in your life
  • Educate yourself on the state of child’s health in this country
  • Go ahead and be prepping a gift for a Christmas giving tree

Or brainstorm your own ideas! We all have the opportunity to make a child’s life better, what will you do with that opportunity? At MainStreet Family Care and KidsStreet Urgent Care, we try to treat everyone like family, and that includes treating each child as our own. We aim to give you the best care possible in an attentive and timely manner. MainStreet Family Care sees children a year old and older, and KidsStreet Urgent Care sees newborn to 16 years. Have questions? Call you local clinic! We want to help you and your loved ones feel better, FAST!


For more information, visit our websites – and!