Dr. Wags Around Town


Have you spotted Dr. Wags out and about recently?

Dr. Richard Wags is our beloved mascot. He enjoys getting out to local events and spending time hanging out with the kids. You may even catch him doing a little dancing!

Not only does Dr. Wags enjoy going to these events to hang out with the kids, but he also loves to meet the adults too! He loves seeing our patients and hearing about their experiences in our clinic.



Dr. Wags has also had the opportunity to meet other local celebrities like McGruff the Crime Dog and Smokey Bear!










   If you’ve spotted Dr. Wags around town, we would love to see your pictures. Feel free to tag us! If you know of a public event coming up and think it’s something Dr. Wags would enjoy, shoot us a message with the details and we’ll do our best to be there!