MainStreet Family Urgent Care at the Eufaula Farmers Market

Mascot of MainStreet Family Urgent Care waves at a baby at the Eufaula Farmers Market

MainStreet Family Urgent Care at the Eufaula Farmers Market

MainStreet Family Urgent Care at the Eufaula Farmers Market was a great event to reach out to the community of Eufaula, Alabama. MainStreet had a fantastic time at the kick-off of the Eufaula Farmers Market, which runs all summer long, every Thursday afternoon from 3pm until 6pm. Market-goers can check out cool crafts, delicious fresh produce, and interesting services down at the Eufaula Farmers Market. Below are some pictures of MainStreet Family Urgent Care’s booth, manned by MA Carlie Jones, Community Educator Katie Walden, and of course, the one and only Dr. Wags, MainStreet Family Urgent Care’s beloved mascot! Mrs. Jones gave out free blood pressure checks and Ms. Walden explained all about MainStreet to the citizens of Eufaula who stopped by the MainStreet booth. MainStreet looks forward to participating in the future Eufaula Farmer Markets this summer!

Community Educator explains about MainStreet services to passersby

Community Educator, Katie Walden, talks about MainStreet Family Urgent Care at the Eufaula Farmers Market in downtown Eufaula.

MA and Dr. Wags at the Farmers Market in Eufaula

Dr. Wags, MA Carlie Jones, and Carlie’s baby having a great time at the Eufaula Farmers Market

Mascot of Mainstreet Family Urgent Care greets Eufaula Alabama citizens downtown at the farmer's market

Dr. Wags waves to passersby at the Eufaula Farmers Market

Mascot of MainStreet Family Urgent Care waves at a baby at the Eufaula Farmers Market

Dr. Wags waves to MA Carlie Jones’s baby at the Eufaula Farmers Market

Woman and Mascot for MainStreet Family Urgent Care at downtown Eufaula farmers market

Dr. Wags and Eufaula resident Ann Sparks pose together for a picture at the Eufaula Farmers Market.

setup for the farmers market by the urgent care, MainStreet

MainStreet Family Urgent Care’s booth at the Eufaula Farmers Market.